What is #websitetraffic and how conversion differs from #leadgeneration?
Usually, in October and November, we have a wild stream of requests to create #website, sitting on the phone for 7 hours a day. I feel that many people confuse these terms when it comes to customer questions. We deal with concepts:
🔸 site traffic;
🔸 conversion;
🔸 lead generation.
After reading it, you stopped mixing upconversion with #lead generation. This means you've become more familiar with the terms of internet marketing. If you have any other questions, please send us an application for a free consultation 😉
Traffic on the site
Site traffic is the number of visitors per unit of time. In another way - the attendance of the site.
Why traffic is important
Without visitors, the site is useless. No one to read your benefits, see portfolio reviews, and buy your services. This is why it is so important that the site is visited by people.
What kind of traffic happens
The best traffic is target traffic. If a person is looking for your services on the Internet in order to buy and came to your site, it is a representative of the targeted traffic. These visitors - the most profitable: they want to buy and buy, if they find your arguments convincing.
A visitor who is not going to buy anything - untargeted. He can become one, but to turn it into a buyer is already more difficult. Most often, non-target traffic does not turn into a buyer.
What kind of traffic does it take
Large (as many visitors as possible) and targeted (as many people interested in buying).
Website Conversion
Conversion is the percentage of visitors who have committed a targeted action on the site from the total number of visitors to the site. Let's assume that five out of thousands of visitors have made a target action on the site. Conversion in this case is 0.5% (5 / 1000).
Why is conversion important? Target site traffic is rarely free. The more people perform the targeted action on our site, the more profitable it is to invest in attracting traffic. Low conversion levels the investment in traffic and sometimes turns into a drain on the budget.
What to do with the conversion
First of all, you need to know the minimum conversion site, at which your costs to attract traffic equalized profit from buyers from the site. This will be the break-even point below which it makes no sense to pour traffic to the site.
Secondly, the conversion should be increased. To not just recoup investments in traffic, and earn more than you invest. The higher the conversion, the more targeted actions on the site.
What should be the conversion of the site
It's different in each case. Conversion on the sale of houses can be quite modest (and certainly will be), but the profit from the sale of the house will compensate for the small conversion. In goods with a small twist (in absolute terms) need a conversion is already more than in the cottages. Because the profit from each sale is less and you need to sell more goods.
Lead generation
Lead generation is the contact information from potential customers to sell to them later. Imagine that your sales team has come to sell to most of those who called the office. Just give those salespeople new incoming calls! And if you don't wait for the calls, but collect a website that will collect the phones of potential customers and send them to the sales department? Here will boil the work!
Why is lead generation important
If selling for you is a purely technical task, the more you have a base, the more you will sell. No matter how big your old base is, it will run out and you will need new contacts. Lead generation is a constant addition to your contact base. You have to negotiate and sell.
How does a lid generation work
The site is not always used for lead generation. For example, social networks have a form for lead generation - a special format for targeted advertising. This form does not use your site and collects contacts within social networks.
Lead marketing is a broader concept than your own site. It has many tools. If you discuss sites, the best way to cope with lead generation (single-page sites) with customized contextual advertising or targeted advertising.
It is not quite correct to use the term "lead generation" in relation to a corporate website. Because this is not what you need it for. But no one prevents in parallel with the corporate site to collect lead generation by all available means.
If you have any other questions, please send us an application for a free consultation.