You have a product. You have a brand. And even more: you are sure that your offer is the best on the market. And you have no sales. How so? What about the others you think? How well do you know your target audience and its psychology? And your consumer habits?

The basis of brand building is not only your own positioning but also the way of thinking of the consumer, which determines his behavior and habits.
The image of your brand consists of impressions, associations, expectations, and stereotypes of your target audience. The totality of these items affects the decision to buy your product or not. The whole process of building and promoting a brand is always closely related to the set of psychological qualities of the consumer.
Any product underlying a brand consists of a set of signals that create a certain image in the mind. This means that the purpose of the brand in this case - to form a positive attitude towards themselves, to cause pleasant associations, and satisfy the habits of the consumer (or form new ones).
Attitude to the brand exists as a symbiosis of personality and product. In order for the consumer to form this attitude, you need experience of interaction, which is built on the following scheme:

Product Opinion
One group of consumers just look at the packaging to form an opinion about the product, another group needs to try the product in business. And each stage of interaction with the product is tied to the psychological process. By managing these psychological processes, you can achieve the desired result - that is, make a person choose your brand.
Affect the process of perception itself. Combine information about the product into larger groups. The first contact with your brand will tell the consumer about the functionality of the product and will form expectations. Roughly speaking, if you immediately adjust your brand to your target audience, you can avoid some resource losses. The customer should be provided with the necessary information in a short time: the process of information processing should be as simple as possible.
Focus and focus on the images you perceive in order to get the most out of your competitors. Novelty, size, brightness, color, and complexity of the object - these are the criteria by which you can be found. Attention to such objects is realized by subconsciousness.
Trust in the brand is one of the most important indicators of the relationship with the client, no matter how long you have been in the market. But trust as a psychological phenomenon is difficult to manipulate. Confidence is nothing but a conscious choice of a person, and it is realized through the establishment of genuine sensual connections.
There are several mechanisms to increase trust in the brand.
Influence on the emotional sphere
Positive emotions stimulate the consumer to achieve emotionally colored objects, while negative emotions - to avoid. Your product should cover the customer's pain and cause positive emotions. It is emotions that regulate the depth of the relationship between audience and brand.
Adequate interaction with the client
Excessive care for the consumer can be alarming. Excessive obtrusiveness repels and reduces the likelihood of initiative by the client.
Setting on honesty
Advertising should emphasize the objective sides of the brand and neutralize the negative attitudes of the consumer due to the fact that everyone is trying to fool and impose through advertising.
Compliance with generally accepted codes
Human consciousness is built on the principle of associativity. This means that information that does not fit into this usual course of thought can be confusing. Conditionally speaking, "better quality" = "higher price".
Customer's motives
After attracting attention and getting into the zone of trust, the brand stands in line with competitors who satisfy the same motives of the client. The client's motives can be divided into three groups: rational, emotional, and utilitarian. Each group includes a different set of brands that are used in specific life situations.
The consumer's choice and motives are determined by the personality psycho type, where each type perceives the brand differently in his or her living space.
Probationary period
As soon as the consumer starts to test (use), the probation period for the brand begins. In the end of which he will either meet or exceed expectations, in the worst case, will cause rejection.
There are at least five potential points for improving brand performance.
"Placebo effect"
On the one hand, it represents unlimited opportunities for the brand, and on the other hand, it carries a problem. The essence of the effect is that any impact, not supported by real grounds, causes the consumer to change its state. As a placebo for a product can be the packaging or design of the place of service: that is, the audience can form confidence in the presence and receipt of the promised effects, even when using products that potentially have no such impact.
There is a study that confirms that expensive wine is always "tastier". What the taster knows about wine changes the perception of wine quality. On this basis, we can safely say that the appearance of the bottle also affects the attitude towards the product. Due to the premium type of packaging, it is possible to win advantages over competitors in the same price category.
Misrepresentation of information
All information provided by the brand is filtered and checked against previous experience. This means that if a person is interested in something, he or she starts to pay more attention to new sources. And often, if the new experience does not find something that will meet their previous expectations, they ignore it. Thus, there is a need to create additional brand values, benefits, and advantages.
"Halo effect" or "Halo effect".
A person is inclined to evaluate new experiences based on the first impression. This allows you to form the right brand image with the right strategy. Take care of the attractiveness of the appearance of your product and its representatives, use well-known media people who are trusted by your audience.
As an example, you can take any ambassadorship of any large and well-known brand. Fashion brands choose famous artists, musicians, and other celebrities, and narrowly focused brands choose experts in the category to which the target audience of the company listens. The choice of brand representatives also depends on the actual agenda at the moment.
"Dominant effect."
Human consciousness is built on the foci of excitement - the dominant. That is, a person perceives not what they want to tell him, but what they themselves want to perceive.
The strength of the dominant influence on the reaction depends on the brightness of the excitement. This can be stimulated by successive excitations through repetitions. And once experienced this moment, a person can reproduce it later: seeing familiar symbols, hearing familiar motifs, or feeling a familiar fragrance.
"Wholeness of images."
The surrounding world is perceived by man as separate but whole fragments. The product for him is not the sum of individual parts, but the whole image - music, the image of man, a whole story. To form a holistic picture of the brand in the minds of your audience, you need to immerse the consumer in the brand in more detail.